Wednesday 1 February 2012

Evaluation Activity 7- Looking back at the preliminary task (the continuity task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Evaluation Activity 7
Looking back at the preliminary task (the continuity task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
From the beginning of this Media Studies course that started in September 2011, I have learnt a fair amount about what needs to be including when creating a video. At the beginning of the course, we had to create a video, which was known as the preliminary task. Within this task we had to include three types of shots that we learnt about during lesson which included the reverse shot, 180 degree shot and also the match on action and shot. The reverse shot is a film technique used in many films, this type of shot is when a character is looking/talking to the other character that is off screen, then in the next shot the second character is shown looking/talking to the first person who will now be off screen. This type of shot was used in our preliminary task, towards the end were the student is talking to the teacher (in the classroom). Another technique that we learnt about was the match on action shot. This type of shot is used when something happens within a scene, on the next shot (when it has cut) the same action is continuing. The last type of shot that we learnt during this lesson was the 180 degree rule. This shot is when there are two subjects on scene at the same time. Whilst they are on scene, with this shot the subjects have to be next to each other (Left/right relationship). Throughout our preliminary task, we did use some other camera shots, such as close ups of the hand on the door handle. From completing the preliminary task, I had got a better understanding on what types of shots are used throughout films and how to identify them, such as the shots listed above.

To start of with in the preliminary task that we were tasked to do, i was not very familiar with the types of editing that you use to make your piece of work look more effective. After we finished the filming and were ready to edit, we included a range of techniques, including, camera work, editing and special effects. Within our film, we included cuts to make some parts of the title sequence to look better. An example of the cut that we used was when Dalian (the victim) was walking down the alley and is approached by his attacker. As soon as the victim turns round, the bat swings which is then cut to a black screen, which fades into the opening sequence. We decided to use the black screen because it shows that the victim has been knocked down. Within the opening sequence we used special effects when the victim wakes up. The blur that we used for our special effect would show that the victim is dazed (not knowing were he is). We also included Mise En Scene. We used Mise En Scene also in the opening sequence showing the equipment/props that we used which included needles, syringes etc. We decided to use Mise En Scene because this way the audience can see what the film is all about and it could also make them begin to think what is going to happen.

Throughout the course, i have learnt a lot more about different kinds of camera work, editing skills that can make a piece of work look a lot more creative and look even more interesting. Throughout the lessons, we have learnt a range of camera shots and when they should be used and with some of these we have included within our title/opening sequence of our film.

1 comment:

  1. Add in /give examples of where you have used the skills you learnt from the preliminary task in your film opening
