Monday 7 November 2011

1408 Title Sequence

1408 Title Sequence
14 seconds- The title sequence of 1408 starts off with a black screen. The black screen is a connotation of evil and it also associates with non diagetic sound. The black screen at 14 seconds shows the audience that the film involves evil/horror right at the beginning of the title sequence.
28 Seconds- At 28 seconds there is still the use of a black screen still continues, showing some of the titles of the film in white. However after the black screen, there is a fade which fades into an extreme long shot and also an establishing shot of a very long road with car lights at the far end. Apart from the car a light at the far end of the road, the area is deserted which is a stereo typical of a horror film. The first scene is set at night (dark scene) and the weather conditions are also bad (thunder and heavy rain). The bad weather conditions also set the scene of a horror movie. The rain represents motions/mood, (Pathetic Fallacy).
30-33 Seconds- At 30 seconds, the name of the first actor’s comes up on the screen followed by the name of the second actors name at 33 seconds. Also at 33 seconds the camera begins to pan across the screen.
40 Seconds- At 40 seconds, the title of the film arrives onto the screen. The connotation of the film name is ghostly kind of effect which would also make the film seem like a horror film. You could also say that the title has a connotation of rain, because of the rainy weather conditions.
45 Seconds- This part of the title sequence shows the car that we see at the end of the road at 28 seconds pull up next to a sign, however he then reverses to turn around and travel the other way. The reversing of the car connotes to the driver of the car being confused. The driver reversing may also suggest that he is lost. With the driver reversing, there is a high angle shot on his car, this could also suggest that he is venerable.   
49- 50 Seconds- At 49 seconds, there is a close up of the man sitting in his car listening to the radio, the voice of the radio is screaming “Open the gates of hell” which sounds very unusual.
56 Seconds- At 56 seconds there is a point of view shot from the guy sitting in the car. The point of view is showing a sign which says “You are now leaving Fairfield County”. The sign may also suggest that he lost is lost. At the bottom of the sign it also reads, “Please come back”. This may also suggest that they want the people visiting to come back because they do not have many visitors. This may also suggest that something may have happened.
01.02 seconds- The suggestion of the man being lost would be correct because in this part of the sequence he is looking at a map (use of prop).
01.09 seconds- The guy is reversing in his car, which then leads to an extreme close up on his car tire. This close up may suggest that he is going to get the tire stuck in the mud (for example). This close up may get the audience to think about something bad that may happen.

01.15 seconds- More of the actor’s names are still continuing to come up on the screen; however this part of the sequence shows the car pulling up outside a house. The house seems to look like an ordinary house, however low key lighting effects are used because the house is surrounded by trees, which may connote that the man is alone or isolated. Being alone may also make the audience think that something is going to happen.
01.25 seconds- At this part of the sequence, the guy is walking over the bridge and still the weather conditions are bad. The connotation that could be used would be that there is only way in, however there is also only one way out. This part of title sequence makes the audience feel more uneasy.
01.30 seconds- Point of view shot is used at this part of the sequence however it is not from the guy. The point of view shot is used behind him which may suggest that someone/something is being him watching him or following him. The prop of an old gas light is also used in this part of the sequence. Although you can see that light is an electric light it stills gives the connotation of a old gas light that flickers and goes out.
01.38 seconds- Mise-en-scene is used because there is a change of scene, from being outside in the bad weather conditions into a house which seems safe. Colours that are used on the walls suggest the place is old, this is also suggested from the props that are used in the house also. The props suggest that not many people go there and that the place may be haunted.
01.52 seconds- the people that he begins to have a conversation with seem very friendly/ innocent. At this part of the sequence the scene seems like it has change the mood because of these people.
02.00 seconds- The two people begin to talk about the haunted history of the house; this then tells the audience what the film is actually going to be about. It suggests that during the film something may happen to the man that has decided to stay there.

1 comment:

  1. Good David, a thorough analysis of the opening sequence of the film with good media language used throughout
